There are different life transitions that are inevitable for human...
Whether u accept them willingly or reluctantly, they still keep on coming...
The only thing u can do, most probably would be to acknowledge urself about the changes that are going to happen and make sure u are standing on the right path which will lead u to the right destination...
U might be in control with most of the things in ur life... However, the truth is that not all the things are mutually tolerable and controllable... U can't do anything u want just because u like it...
Nothing is perfect, this is the nature law; the law that everything and everyone just amazingly and undoubtedly conform to... Something that seem to be miraculously perfect must not be what they seem to be... So, don't seek for perfection in urself... Rather seek for flaw in urself... DEAL with it, CONQUER it, BEFRIEND with it, and finally BE it part of ur life...
Thing's saying: Flaw makes someone looks perfectly wonderful...
THING's philosophy: "new day starts when one ends; there is always a door opened for u when the other one is closed" ....
Saturday, December 20
Thursday, November 6
最近,话似乎说太多了... 多得有点不自在, 感觉很不寻常...
相信自己,要做自己想要做的那个自己, 不是别人...
要知道, 低调和谦卑是一种完美的呈现!
06112008... 蜕变前的丁少笔
相信自己,要做自己想要做的那个自己, 不是别人...
要知道, 低调和谦卑是一种完美的呈现!
06112008... 蜕变前的丁少笔
Friday, October 24
It is already end of October...

woo... already 3rd week of the 4th semester, without realizing...
4th week is coming ahead... haiz...
time, u are so mean to me... all these while, i seem to be doing nothing...
my soul is empty... my heart is unfilled...
lonely, lonely, lonely...
what can i do to get rid of such feeling? /-\
People do learn and grow with time...
Is dat true?? Who can justify that??
How could we know whether how much we have grown??
How could we realize when we are mature enough to make a firm decision?? =.=
maturity versus reality...................
enjoyment versus suffering.................
good versus bad................
right versus wrong..................
cruelty versus humanity...............
angel versus devil...............
what's ur option among those ??? +.X
gunbadeh in life la.... -_-_-_-_-_-_-_[o]
Monday, August 25
Heavy head... heavy shoulder... life seems to be so heavy to me...
Again... i had no chance to have a nice sleep yesterday...
Early in the morning, i gotto woke up to go for that "Scinahcem" lecture... haiz..
Honestly, i regret i did not write something in the evaluation form.. Else, it would be an interesting essay... Do u expect a lecturer to say something like "There is no fair exam in this world already... DO NOT EXPECT the examiner to think for u... "...
Self-fish... self-fish... self-fish...
Rather saying something that is useless, why would not he say something else that will be useful to us..?? Something like answering technique... or the way he marks the paper...
far more and more constructive to us... o-o
It seems im too critical in this case... however, i would say we got no right to blame him though the way he lectures and tutors really really really not welcoming and sometimes i would say "mou tak king"! You never expect answer from him... That's the lesson i learn from this lecturer....
Don talk about him already... no point complaining here also...
Back to my daily life...
Today, incredibly for this semester, i was able to come home as early as 130 pm...
After watching some dramas and eating rojak, i slept for 3 hours...
It sounds long... but to me, i think that i have slept for few minutes only as im still feeling very very heavy and tired...
I even had a dream... I would not say bad... But something not good also...
In my dream, my friends were very old...
Haiz... what message does the dream want to bring to me???
Time is passing? We are all aging?
Or something else?
Hopefully, it will be something better than worst...
---oo--- jECk without mood... ~y~
Early in the morning, i gotto woke up to go for that "Scinahcem" lecture... haiz..
Honestly, i regret i did not write something in the evaluation form.. Else, it would be an interesting essay... Do u expect a lecturer to say something like "There is no fair exam in this world already... DO NOT EXPECT the examiner to think for u... "...
Self-fish... self-fish... self-fish...
Rather saying something that is useless, why would not he say something else that will be useful to us..?? Something like answering technique... or the way he marks the paper...
far more and more constructive to us... o-o
It seems im too critical in this case... however, i would say we got no right to blame him though the way he lectures and tutors really really really not welcoming and sometimes i would say "mou tak king"! You never expect answer from him... That's the lesson i learn from this lecturer....
Don talk about him already... no point complaining here also...
Back to my daily life...
Today, incredibly for this semester, i was able to come home as early as 130 pm...
After watching some dramas and eating rojak, i slept for 3 hours...
It sounds long... but to me, i think that i have slept for few minutes only as im still feeling very very heavy and tired...
I even had a dream... I would not say bad... But something not good also...
In my dream, my friends were very old...
Haiz... what message does the dream want to bring to me???
Time is passing? We are all aging?
Or something else?
Hopefully, it will be something better than worst...
---oo--- jECk without mood... ~y~
Sunday, August 24
Same thing happens and happens again...
Time passes real fast as i oways mention...
Again, it is another end of the skul semester... wat a syok (shock)...
Yuckzz... it means exam is jz around the corner at the same time lo...
Keep on having insomnia these few days... that's why everyday i feel very tired and heavy...
If you ask me whether im afraid of the exams, sori... i can't give you an exact answer...
Honestly, i have no idea what kind of ideology that im holding currently...
Cham cham cham....
4 flat... Do i wish i could maintain that??? Nobody knows... even myself...
Few days more to birthday oredy... till then im still a 18-year-old buddy... but few days later... what would i be??? Again nobody knows... Only god knows me well...
my wish???
wish my wish that im going to make will come true....
All the best to those who view my blog.... ^-^
Again, it is another end of the skul semester... wat a syok (shock)...
Yuckzz... it means exam is jz around the corner at the same time lo...
Keep on having insomnia these few days... that's why everyday i feel very tired and heavy...
If you ask me whether im afraid of the exams, sori... i can't give you an exact answer...
Honestly, i have no idea what kind of ideology that im holding currently...
Cham cham cham....
4 flat... Do i wish i could maintain that??? Nobody knows... even myself...
Few days more to birthday oredy... till then im still a 18-year-old buddy... but few days later... what would i be??? Again nobody knows... Only god knows me well...
my wish???
wish my wish that im going to make will come true....
All the best to those who view my blog.... ^-^
Friday, August 1
世界上的这一切这一切, 都不应该有个定义... 因为每个人都有自己的观点,为何一定要跟谁别人的脚步呢?
我不晓得... 但我相信坚持信念,不到最后一秒都不放弃,往往会让我等到奇迹的出现的那一刻...
不要再为自己找借口了... 幸福和快乐就掌握在你自己手中...
错过了... 可能就会终于等待了...
世界上的这一切这一切, 都不应该有个定义... 因为每个人都有自己的观点,为何一定要跟谁别人的脚步呢?
我不晓得... 但我相信坚持信念,不到最后一秒都不放弃,往往会让我等到奇迹的出现的那一刻...
不要再为自己找借口了... 幸福和快乐就掌握在你自己手中...
错过了... 可能就会终于等待了...
Saturday, July 26
Gloomy day....
everything seems to be against me today...
what is going wrong actually?? no mood at all....
even though there are alot of assignments to be brushed up, i seem so indifferent today....
In fact, i should say my brain is stuck, totally and completely....
Cant even think and analysis anything up to snuff...
continue being so moody is not going to solve any problems by its own, that's y i should find another way out.... But the question is... what should i do ?
Endurance and patience is always a better solution to bad mood instead of abreacting to other people...
Remember you are the one... but not the only one...
Nothing can stop you from doing anything you want to do.... Try not to be influenced or affected by environment and other people....
See things differently, view the world differently....
what is going wrong actually?? no mood at all....
even though there are alot of assignments to be brushed up, i seem so indifferent today....
In fact, i should say my brain is stuck, totally and completely....
Cant even think and analysis anything up to snuff...
continue being so moody is not going to solve any problems by its own, that's y i should find another way out.... But the question is... what should i do ?
Endurance and patience is always a better solution to bad mood instead of abreacting to other people...
Remember you are the one... but not the only one...
Nothing can stop you from doing anything you want to do.... Try not to be influenced or affected by environment and other people....
See things differently, view the world differently....
Thursday, July 24
太匆忙了... 就不能停下脚步来吗?
太突然了, 太匆忙了, 也太自然了。。。
以前每天都听见姐姐说什么时间不够用, 我总是反驳说:事在人为罢了。。。 放轻松点啦。。。
现在我身在其中, 才发现原来我也不过如此。。。 因为对于上了第二年的我,似乎忙得有点喘不过气来。 可能是我之前太放松的关系罢! 搞得我还有点害怕, 又有点茫然, 还有点不知所措。。。
以前还有时间, 坐在床边发呆, 看看小说, 翻翻哲学书籍。。。 现在, 就连坐在椅子上看看电脑荧幕, 瞧瞧海报, 也都觉得是种时间上的奢侈咯。。。 虽然有点夸张的成分, 但那感觉实在是太可怕了。。。
适当的压力是种无形的推动力, 一路来这对于我来讲都是行得通的。。。
但, 未来是否还可以维持这种思维, 那就很难讲咯。。。 唉。。。
要求, 你要就别只求不做;
对自己有要求, 是件好事;因为生存的目的不过是符合需求, 满足要求罢了。。。
清楚自己想要些什么,别人怎么看你,贬你,夸你, 都不重要;
重要的是, 你自己怎么看你自己。。。
没有东西是不可以的, 只在乎你要不要, 肯不肯而已。。。
知足常乐, 常乐知足
太突然了, 太匆忙了, 也太自然了。。。
以前每天都听见姐姐说什么时间不够用, 我总是反驳说:事在人为罢了。。。 放轻松点啦。。。
现在我身在其中, 才发现原来我也不过如此。。。 因为对于上了第二年的我,似乎忙得有点喘不过气来。 可能是我之前太放松的关系罢! 搞得我还有点害怕, 又有点茫然, 还有点不知所措。。。
以前还有时间, 坐在床边发呆, 看看小说, 翻翻哲学书籍。。。 现在, 就连坐在椅子上看看电脑荧幕, 瞧瞧海报, 也都觉得是种时间上的奢侈咯。。。 虽然有点夸张的成分, 但那感觉实在是太可怕了。。。
适当的压力是种无形的推动力, 一路来这对于我来讲都是行得通的。。。
但, 未来是否还可以维持这种思维, 那就很难讲咯。。。 唉。。。
要求, 你要就别只求不做;
对自己有要求, 是件好事;因为生存的目的不过是符合需求, 满足要求罢了。。。
清楚自己想要些什么,别人怎么看你,贬你,夸你, 都不重要;
重要的是, 你自己怎么看你自己。。。
没有东西是不可以的, 只在乎你要不要, 肯不肯而已。。。
知足常乐, 常乐知足
Saturday, June 21
Treasuring the TIME O-o
Poor saturday again... shit... have to attend lab again...
slept pretty late yesterday but managed to wake up in time...
Though, i decided to delay abit cos don rili wanna to meet dat " gay fellow " in da lab so early...
Haiz... Pretty moody when i reached there... everything seems to be against me dis morning... the multimeter, the transistors, the voltage generator and the air... So naturally, when my friends asked me question about how to solve the experiment problems, i was so perfunctory when answering their questions... so sorry, my friends... i din mean to do that to u guys one...
I bet that was all bcos i can be influenced to easily... easily influenced by somebody that i dislike... what can i do?? what should i do?? though i have realized this long time ago.... it seems such characteristic still exists in myself...
Different people have different perspectives and intrinsically, they have the right to do whatever they like without hurting others...
Why care so much about those who isn't worth to be concerned???
As in digital system, we should make good use of the "don't-care-conditions"!!! Yeah... Agree leh..!!?? hehe... seriously and honestly, i think if we are able to do so, our life will turn out to be so so so beautiful... As those with little to be concerned about will be treated as "don't-care-conditions" and thus to be ignored necessarily...
But, the question is: Are we able to do so ???
Treating others as transparent?? Is dat possible?? *o*
I wish i can... -o-
Time is so precious...
Believe in miracles...
Yesterday was history;
Tomorrow will be mystery;
Today is a gift;
That's why it is called present...
Appreciate and grab every chances that we might have in our life... ^-^
slept pretty late yesterday but managed to wake up in time...
Though, i decided to delay abit cos don rili wanna to meet dat " gay fellow " in da lab so early...
Haiz... Pretty moody when i reached there... everything seems to be against me dis morning... the multimeter, the transistors, the voltage generator and the air... So naturally, when my friends asked me question about how to solve the experiment problems, i was so perfunctory when answering their questions... so sorry, my friends... i din mean to do that to u guys one...
I bet that was all bcos i can be influenced to easily... easily influenced by somebody that i dislike... what can i do?? what should i do?? though i have realized this long time ago.... it seems such characteristic still exists in myself...
Different people have different perspectives and intrinsically, they have the right to do whatever they like without hurting others...
Why care so much about those who isn't worth to be concerned???
As in digital system, we should make good use of the "don't-care-conditions"!!! Yeah... Agree leh..!!?? hehe... seriously and honestly, i think if we are able to do so, our life will turn out to be so so so beautiful... As those with little to be concerned about will be treated as "don't-care-conditions" and thus to be ignored necessarily...
But, the question is: Are we able to do so ???
Treating others as transparent?? Is dat possible?? *o*
I wish i can... -o-
Time is so precious...
Believe in miracles...
Yesterday was history;
Tomorrow will be mystery;
Today is a gift;
That's why it is called present...
Appreciate and grab every chances that we might have in our life... ^-^
Saturday, June 7
Saturday- sunny day = lonely day
Saturday again... today is da wat wat ahmat berhormat agong birthday... that's y i don't need to attend lab practical today... if not, i will be suffering facing that gay lecturer in the lab.... dislike him since first time met him... ask him things oli ma... kept scolding me only without knowing how to fix those problems oso... so lame... so gay...
Ha... genting klang buddies, i have succeeded in walking home from college lo... lolz...*o*
thursday 5-6-08 was a windy day, so after 6-pm lecture, me n ah ben have decided to try our journey to GK on our own foots... along the journey, we were able to see alot of things besides realizing somethings that we may have ignored or left out during our daily life... it was an incredible xperience indeed... nothing special la but feeling so so satisfied ... -o-
I guess it have been some times since i last wrote my comment, so many things to be written.. 6o9 yesterday was hao shen's birthday... let me intro to u guys who is he la, k? erm... i think i have to start with my xia xiang groups d... As for ur infomation, joining xia xiang is deemed such "enjoyale" and "unforgetable"..(depending how u work things out la).. in fact, we have had our very crazy and hepi moments together... who r we here?? certainly not da whole xia xiang groups la... it is da Shit Member Association(SMA) that contains 11 members... mayb i wil xplain each of them in detail next time ba.. now, i wil jz focus on hao shen... ar.. n ru yin oso... cos we celebrated her birthday together as well...
Hao Shen, erm... as far as im concerned, alot of people oso thought that he is gay one... don noe y lo.. in fact, "sissy" shud be a better word ma... hehe..(no hard feeling)...
let me clarify here la... he is a normal guy la.. like joking around... oways talk talk talk n argue argue argue with da others(omos everyone in da group)... actually dat's good oso, cos it created much drollery to be laughed at... haha... ya... n another word to describe him... "ge bo n talkative"... *o* however, he has his own good side oso geh... he is very observing n caring somtimes as he knows everythings including some tiny tiny facts... u-u
Ru Yin, erm, she is deemed our group leng lui lo... hehe.. erm... recalling last time being MC with her during xia xiang, walao, she is so so dim in speaking... n oso being partner to her during xia xiang nite... still remember dat show asking me to "propose" to her... ha.. omos forget d la... it was indeed very enjoyable la dat nite... erm... n to describe her, i wud say she can suitably become those "xiu nai nai"... n-n
oh ya... back to the celebration... erm... actually nothing much about dat la... was da same lo.. all da chit-chatting n all da argueing... we had our another memorable moment
yesterday la... n som mor they suggested to go overnite in klcc like wat we have done las time... really crazy one...
guess wat... they were not joking... they spent their time there for sure... me?? staying at home lo... not feeling very well ma... -0- hope won regret...
O-o -Enjoy what you have now before they French leave from you! by Aunty Thing... 07-06-08
Ha... genting klang buddies, i have succeeded in walking home from college lo... lolz...*o*
thursday 5-6-08 was a windy day, so after 6-pm lecture, me n ah ben have decided to try our journey to GK on our own foots... along the journey, we were able to see alot of things besides realizing somethings that we may have ignored or left out during our daily life... it was an incredible xperience indeed... nothing special la but feeling so so satisfied ... -o-
I guess it have been some times since i last wrote my comment, so many things to be written.. 6o9 yesterday was hao shen's birthday... let me intro to u guys who is he la, k? erm... i think i have to start with my xia xiang groups d... As for ur infomation, joining xia xiang is deemed such "enjoyale" and "unforgetable"..(depending how u work things out la).. in fact, we have had our very crazy and hepi moments together... who r we here?? certainly not da whole xia xiang groups la... it is da Shit Member Association(SMA) that contains 11 members... mayb i wil xplain each of them in detail next time ba.. now, i wil jz focus on hao shen... ar.. n ru yin oso... cos we celebrated her birthday together as well...
Hao Shen, erm... as far as im concerned, alot of people oso thought that he is gay one... don noe y lo.. in fact, "sissy" shud be a better word ma... hehe..(no hard feeling)...
let me clarify here la... he is a normal guy la.. like joking around... oways talk talk talk n argue argue argue with da others(omos everyone in da group)... actually dat's good oso, cos it created much drollery to be laughed at... haha... ya... n another word to describe him... "ge bo n talkative"... *o* however, he has his own good side oso geh... he is very observing n caring somtimes as he knows everythings including some tiny tiny facts... u-u
Ru Yin, erm, she is deemed our group leng lui lo... hehe.. erm... recalling last time being MC with her during xia xiang, walao, she is so so dim in speaking... n oso being partner to her during xia xiang nite... still remember dat show asking me to "propose" to her... ha.. omos forget d la... it was indeed very enjoyable la dat nite... erm... n to describe her, i wud say she can suitably become those "xiu nai nai"... n-n
oh ya... back to the celebration... erm... actually nothing much about dat la... was da same lo.. all da chit-chatting n all da argueing... we had our another memorable moment
yesterday la... n som mor they suggested to go overnite in klcc like wat we have done las time... really crazy one...
guess wat... they were not joking... they spent their time there for sure... me?? staying at home lo... not feeling very well ma... -0- hope won regret...
O-o -Enjoy what you have now before they French leave from you! by Aunty Thing... 07-06-08
Saturday, May 24
哈... 刚帮我的房间大整顿...
现在看起来,我的房间看起来又比上回的更要大了... 嘻嘻...
应该是视觉效应罢了吧!不过, 酱好过没有啦...
这么说起来,我房间还真的和我一起换季的哩... 几乎每个学期都会有不同的面貌... 对了... 不是几乎... 真的是每个学期(都换了四季了啦)...
嗯... 蛮有潜质当室内设计师... (其实还蛮想当的...但就算当也应该只为了设计我的梦幻旅店和理想家园罢了吧...所以嘛,当是副业好了... ) 嘻嘻... 自恋...
新学期,新房间,新能量,新动力; 旧学院,旧电脑,旧战友,旧身躯;
现在看起来,我的房间看起来又比上回的更要大了... 嘻嘻...
应该是视觉效应罢了吧!不过, 酱好过没有啦...
这么说起来,我房间还真的和我一起换季的哩... 几乎每个学期都会有不同的面貌... 对了... 不是几乎... 真的是每个学期(都换了四季了啦)...
嗯... 蛮有潜质当室内设计师... (其实还蛮想当的...但就算当也应该只为了设计我的梦幻旅店和理想家园罢了吧...所以嘛,当是副业好了... ) 嘻嘻... 自恋...
新学期,新房间,新能量,新动力; 旧学院,旧电脑,旧战友,旧身躯;
Friday, May 23
Still in Holy Daeeee.....
sleep kinda late yesterday nite(suppose to be dis morning)...
don noe y lo... was woken up by a piece of bottle... sien... so tired....
n then had my very strange dream...
wat da dream was all about?? erm... don quite remember d... but da story was like i went to pub until very late of nite then wanna send a gal home cos going back alone by herself was very dangerous...
but then so fish... we got lost... wat was next is da shooting scene dat is still fresh in mind...
i was able to see 5 guys holding guns(i suspect those guns were m16) before da other people around us did... so, i self-righteously asked da girl to grovel on da ground... guess wat...
so dramtical one..... we were da only survivors....
then??? rili wanna noe???
my alarm rang right after.... lolz....
dat dream.... pretty odd dream... guess it was "odd"ER than those dreams dat i hav had... wonder whether it brings any message to me leh??? wondering.......
first time write blog on da net...
so, drop some comment to me ba...
"ready"ing to share...
have a nice day la... *22052008*
don noe y lo... was woken up by a piece of bottle... sien... so tired....
n then had my very strange dream...
wat da dream was all about?? erm... don quite remember d... but da story was like i went to pub until very late of nite then wanna send a gal home cos going back alone by herself was very dangerous...
but then so fish... we got lost... wat was next is da shooting scene dat is still fresh in mind...
i was able to see 5 guys holding guns(i suspect those guns were m16) before da other people around us did... so, i self-righteously asked da girl to grovel on da ground... guess wat...
so dramtical one..... we were da only survivors....
then??? rili wanna noe???
my alarm rang right after.... lolz....
dat dream.... pretty odd dream... guess it was "odd"ER than those dreams dat i hav had... wonder whether it brings any message to me leh??? wondering.......
first time write blog on da net...
so, drop some comment to me ba...
"ready"ing to share...
have a nice day la... *22052008*
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