The story begins with the fated meeting between a hellion girl, Jordan Roark who has lost her dear fiance in an accident and a kind-hearted gentleman, Charlie Bellow who has never been in love before.
Destiny has brought them together. They have had the happiest life ever living with each other before they leave apart. There are some reasons in why they could not continue to stay with each other. And i think this is the interesting part in the movie and u ought to find it out itself. =)
Before they leave each other, they have written down notes of how their feelings are to each other and the notes are buried under a tree. They promise to each other to come back and check the notes after one year, if they haven't forgotten each other by that time.
Day after day, Charlie is still keeping the promise faithfully. No one and nothing could change his mind to wait for his destined wife.
After one year, the day has finally come.
** Check out the movie for the ending... It's nothing too special but for sure, it will remind you of something, of what destiny really is. =)
Here are some quotes that i found to be meaningful in the movie:
Charlie :
It was
beyond everything in my experience
beyond my ability to fix;
I have no right to judge her...
If i chose to stay with her,
knowing the risks,
i'd like to do is give her love and respect,
how the story would end ... ...
The truth about destiny.
All i know about destiny is
when it wants to accomplish something,
you can't do it alone,
you still have to go to that restaurant (to your understanding, u still have to do something),
you still have to show up,
you still have to build the bridge to your the one you love.
>> It's true... We can't be sitting there just to wait for our fated one to come along... You have gotta take the action... You have gotta do something... and when what u do is right, HE/SHE will surely arrive at the front of u.
**Jordan hugs Charlie in the railway station.**
Jordan : Wait! Who said u can hug me?
Charlie : **confused...** err... I beg..?
Jordan : Okie... **Hug** I actually love the way u handle me...
>> =) this scene is so sweet... (=
Old man to Charlie : The shaping and molding of his destiny, is in fact your destiny.
>> This is so true... When u are fated to be together, u two will be linked together as one, no matter what... =)

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