THING's philosophy: "new day starts when one ends; there is always a door opened for u when the other one is closed" ....
Saturday, October 30
have turned or are turning
being a 21-year-old.
And ofcz, I already am.
It's not as easy as anyone else below 21 might be thinking.
It's not that fun after all.
To me,
it means it's time to bear all the shit by my own.
Both good shit and bad shit.
DECISION of life.
where difficulty lies,
where doubts grow,
where future seems unclear,
where you choose your LIFE.
I'm experimenting.
I'm experiencing.
I'm examining.
I'm working out Jeck's life.
Wednesday, September 22
Wonderful Date
An outing after yan's exam...
Truly wonderful after.. herm.. lets see.. 3 months? yeah..
almost that long since my last outing with her..
Spent a few vouchers..
It's also the day i realize the usefulness of vouchers.. =) COoL
1st voucher: GSC movie vouchers
I redeemed the vouchers for

Comments: I think it would be quite a great movie if there's a little more climactic excitement.. Yet, i kinda like the characters in it.. not bad.. =) Rating: 6.5/10
2nd Voucher: Starbucks Buy 1 for 1 free
It's considerably the first time i tried starbucks, if not mistaken... =)
Honey's caramel latte is so sweetly nice.. very smooth.. very nice!
After that, it's all about
SHOPPING! everyone likes to shop (majority), so it's nothing special to talk about here.. GO GO shopping..! =)
Monday, September 6
Fury in my nerve...
Anger kicked in...
Deep and uncontrollable...
Can't believe my cousin's mum is such an wickedly thick-face accountant-type housewife...!
The fact is i still have to bear with it for another half a year...
How m i supposed to do that...
Well, i have to to even though im reluctant...
I guess it will make me a better person at the end of this...
Forgive and forget... That's the only thing i should do...
one more i guess.. One unimportant person to bother with from now on...
Endurance counts...
Saturday, July 24
Relating "T" "S" "Y" to myself... I
A: In the first place, isn't yahoo a search engine? hehe... yes, but at the same time, it also means someone who is rough, noisy or bad-mannered... SO, definitely I'M not YAHOO... :D
Q: A stingy Thing?
A: I don't think so.. :)
Q: A staunch Thing?
A: Trying to be... Loyal to my very own thinking...
Q: A stoical one?
A: I used to be.. Now it seems i have gone astray.. Thing, come back! complain less..
Q: Tenacious in task accomplishment?
A: Perhaps in things that i'd like to do... BUT, what are they?
Q: Tempusfugit?
A: It's used to describe time..! not myself.. >.< :P
Q: Young, youthful?
A: YES YES... My birth year increases by 1 yearly since 2007.. :D
Q: Thing is a yesman?
A: Definitely not!! u may rather call me an egomaniac, but not a yesman... Never..
Q: Tactful enough?
A: I think most of the time, yes... to me, being tactless = being annoying
Q: Are u being taciturn most of the time?
A: **Deep thought... Herm... SOMETIMES>>..
Q: What traits u find urself most lack in??
A: Haiz... now, dis will definitely sound sad...
Talented, i'm a truly-ordinary;
Sharpwitted, i'm a slow, deep thinker,
Q: Yummy?
A: LOL.. It's used to depict food pleaze... I don wanna ppl to lick on me... :)
THESE ARE provisional feed... Enjoy... :)
** to be continued some other day...
Monday, June 28
Saturday, June 19
Thursday, June 17
Definitely, i know it... I'm a special thing... ;D
But here's the results i get from a test suggested by my fren's blog...
There are 16 letters in your name.
Those 16 letters total to 78
There are 4 vowels and 12 consonants in your name.
Your number is: 6
The characteristics of #6 are: Responsibility, protection, nurturing, community, balance, sympathy.
The expression or destiny for #6:
The number 6 Expression provides you a truly outstanding sense of responsibility, love, and balance. The 6 is helpful and ever conscientious, making you quite capable of rectifying and balancing any sort of inharmonious situation. You are a person very much inclined to give help and comfort to those in need. You have a natural penchant for working with the old, the young, the sick, or the underprivileged. Although you may have considerable creative and artistic talents, the chances are that you will devote yourself to an occupation that shows concern for the betterment of the community.
The positive side of the number 6 suggests that you are very loving, friendly, and appreciative of others. You have a depth of understanding that produces much sympathetic, kindness, and generosity. The qualities of the 6 make the finest and most concerned parent and one often deeply involved in domestic activities. Openness and honesty is apparent in your approach to all relationships.
If there is an excess of the number 6 in your makeup, you may exhibit some of the negative traits associated with this number. There may be a tendency for you to be too exacting and demanding of yourself. In this regard, you may at times sacrifice yourself (or your loved ones) for the welfare of others. In some cases, the over zealous 6 has difficulty distinguishing helping from interfering. You may have difficulty expressing your own individuality, because of involvement with responsibilities and causes. Like all with the Expression of the number 6, it's quite likely that you worry much too much.
Your Soul Urge number is: 1
A Soul Urge number of 1 means:
Your Soul Urge is the number 1. With a Soul Urge number of 1, you want to lead and direct, to work independent of supervision, by yourself or with subordinates. You take pride in your abilities and want to be recognized for them. You may seek opportunities to display your strength and usefulness, wanting to create and originate. In your desire to manage the big picture and the main issues, you may often leave the details to others.
The positive 1 Soul Urge is Ambitious and determined, a leader seeking opportunities. There is a great deal of honesty and loyalty in this character. If you possess positive 1 Soul Urge qualities, you are very attainment oriented and driven to success. You are a loyal friend and strictly fair in your business dealings.
The negative side of the 1 Soul Urge must be avoided. A negative 1 is apt to dominate situations and people; the home, the spouse, the family and the business. Emotions aren't strong in this nature. If you possess an excess of 1 energy, you may, at times, be boastful and egotistic. You must avoid being too critical and impatient of trifles. The great need of the 1 Soul Urge is the development of friendliness, and a sincere interest in people.
Your Inner Dream number is: 5
An Inner Dream number of 5 means:
You dream of being totally free and unrestrained by responsibility. You see yourself conversing and mingling with the natives in many na tions, living for adventure and life experiences. You imagine what you might accomplished.
It's sometimes interesting that even your name implies some important messages about yourself... Give it a try... =)
Sunday, June 13
Thursday, June 3
My sassy girl 2008 =)

The story begins with the fated meeting between a hellion girl, Jordan Roark who has lost her dear fiance in an accident and a kind-hearted gentleman, Charlie Bellow who has never been in love before.
Destiny has brought them together. They have had the happiest life ever living with each other before they leave apart. There are some reasons in why they could not continue to stay with each other. And i think this is the interesting part in the movie and u ought to find it out itself. =)
Before they leave each other, they have written down notes of how their feelings are to each other and the notes are buried under a tree. They promise to each other to come back and check the notes after one year, if they haven't forgotten each other by that time.
Day after day, Charlie is still keeping the promise faithfully. No one and nothing could change his mind to wait for his destined wife.
After one year, the day has finally come.
** Check out the movie for the ending... It's nothing too special but for sure, it will remind you of something, of what destiny really is. =)
Here are some quotes that i found to be meaningful in the movie:
Charlie :
It was
beyond everything in my experience
beyond my ability to fix;
I have no right to judge her...
If i chose to stay with her,
knowing the risks,
i'd like to do is give her love and respect,
how the story would end ... ...
The truth about destiny.
All i know about destiny is
when it wants to accomplish something,
you can't do it alone,
you still have to go to that restaurant (to your understanding, u still have to do something),
you still have to show up,
you still have to build the bridge to your the one you love.
>> It's true... We can't be sitting there just to wait for our fated one to come along... You have gotta take the action... You have gotta do something... and when what u do is right, HE/SHE will surely arrive at the front of u.
**Jordan hugs Charlie in the railway station.**
Jordan : Wait! Who said u can hug me?
Charlie : **confused...** err... I beg..?
Jordan : Okie... **Hug** I actually love the way u handle me...
>> =) this scene is so sweet... (=
Old man to Charlie : The shaping and molding of his destiny, is in fact your destiny.
>> This is so true... When u are fated to be together, u two will be linked together as one, no matter what... =)

Wednesday, June 2
曹格 :再一次
Tuesday, June 1
若及若离 是你完美演技、
曹格 : 天使嫉妒的生活
曹格 :掌纹
晶瑩的淚滴 輕輕滑過我的一生
春去春又回 我走過的孤獨很黑
難忘那一刻 你走進生命的瞬間
我不信命 我信愛情是沒有理由
悲歡的注定 在我的掌紋中你在那裡
如此的清晰 沒有輸贏 你是我的命
我信命中你給的每個 考驗和奇蹟
在我的掌紋中安身立命 是否願意
張開手 你回應
我不信命 我不信命 我只信你
Sunday, May 30
Saturday, May 29
Wednesday, May 26
Monday, May 24
Saturday, May 22
Post posting - 520
It's interesting that numbers can also represent meaningful words.
However, such interesting figures are that easy to pop out from one's mouth when he/she is with their loved one.
Whether u believe anot, these 3 words are simply amazing...
Saying it at the right time,
it strengthens relationship between the two;
Saying it at the wrong time,
it vanishes everything;
feeling, trust and faith;
Not saying it at all,
it might create walls between the two when time grows.
Don't hesitate to say it to your loved one before it's too late...
Most importantly, prove it with actions... :-)
I love u

Thursday, May 20
Truth is
leads to
better understanding.
unseen, untouchable, unpredictable.
in what
u are doing.
Sooner of later,
a story of u and her
will be recalled;

with little romance,
with little confusion,
with little expectation,
with memorable moments,
with strong belief on each other.
long lasting.
Tuesday, May 18
Unveiling the truth
beyond everything in my experience
beyond my ability to fix;
I have no right to judge her...
If i chose to stay with her,
knowing the risks,
i'd like to do is give her love and respect,
how the story would end ... ...
my heart is chaotic...
doing things that got no return...
i deserve it...
it's all fated!
Monday, May 17
IMperfecting perfection
What i'm doing right now is totally opposite...
Trying to "persuade" myself of the fact that perfecting your life is almost impossible...
Right to a certain extent, i'm defeated...
Not as confident as i was...
Not as detailed as i was...
Not as logical as i was...
Not as optimistic as i was...
Life itself is simple...
What complicates life is your own feeling...
Perfection is what i have been chasing for all this while...
When my feeling gets complicated, my life starts to become chaotic...
To make life looks easier, one of the ways is to NOT go for perfection...
For a perfectionist, it might work...
Most of the time, it deteriorates the situation...
Because sooner or later, the seem-so-easy life would turn out to be so troublesome...
Things that u din perfect will “ask"for perfection eventually...
At the end,
u lose yourself,
u lose your feeling,
u lose your life!
Frankly, i'm losing mine...
种种的记忆和回忆都在慢慢的, 渐渐的, 消逝着。。。
只留着黑色躯体, 模糊起来了。。。
Sunday, May 16
Not being myself anymore
My last update on my blog was 15 months ago... sigh**
Things are going on well, i thought...
But then, i started to find out that when things around u changed, u changed...
The long-lost feeling of unsecured and lack of confidence again stroke me hard...
Diverged roads are ahead...
I'm losing my mind,
losing my ability to judge the others,
and also myself...
I'm starting to afraid of making decision, especially in front of that somebody...
I could not read my mind, leave alone hers...
Trying to understand, though it has all gone beyond logical judgement and sensible rationalising...
It has already gone very deep, deeper than what i thought it would be...
At the moment, i'm not whom i seem to be anymore...