Saturday, July 26

Gloomy day....

everything seems to be against me today...
what is going wrong actually?? no mood at all....
even though there are alot of assignments to be brushed up, i seem so indifferent today....
In fact, i should say my brain is stuck, totally and completely....
Cant even think and analysis anything up to snuff...
continue being so moody is not going to solve any problems by its own, that's y i should find another way out.... But the question is... what should i do ?

Endurance and patience is always a better solution to bad mood instead of abreacting to other people...
Remember you are the one... but not the only one...
Nothing can stop you from doing anything you want to do.... Try not to be influenced or affected by environment and other people....
See things differently, view the world differently....

Thursday, July 24

太匆忙了... 就不能停下脚步来吗?

太突然了, 太匆忙了, 也太自然了。。。
以前每天都听见姐姐说什么时间不够用, 我总是反驳说:事在人为罢了。。。 放轻松点啦。。。
现在我身在其中, 才发现原来我也不过如此。。。 因为对于上了第二年的我,似乎忙得有点喘不过气来。 可能是我之前太放松的关系罢! 搞得我还有点害怕, 又有点茫然, 还有点不知所措。。。

以前还有时间, 坐在床边发呆, 看看小说, 翻翻哲学书籍。。。 现在, 就连坐在椅子上看看电脑荧幕, 瞧瞧海报, 也都觉得是种时间上的奢侈咯。。。 虽然有点夸张的成分, 但那感觉实在是太可怕了。。。

适当的压力是种无形的推动力, 一路来这对于我来讲都是行得通的。。。
但, 未来是否还可以维持这种思维, 那就很难讲咯。。。 唉。。。
要求, 你要就别只求不做;
对自己有要求, 是件好事;因为生存的目的不过是符合需求, 满足要求罢了。。。
清楚自己想要些什么,别人怎么看你,贬你,夸你, 都不重要;
重要的是, 你自己怎么看你自己。。。
没有东西是不可以的, 只在乎你要不要, 肯不肯而已。。。
知足常乐, 常乐知足